GLEE Fest 2022
GLEE Fest 2022
“Traditions into New Beginnings” was this year’s theme for GLEE Fest, our school’s PE, Art and Music (PAM) department’s signature event. Stretching over the last 2 weeks of Semester 1, pupils got to participate in various recess activities facilitated by our supportive PSG.
They played traditional games that they had redesigned, such as Goli Panjang, Five Stones and Hopscotch. Pupils also learned about Tangram and Origami Aeronautics.
To end the last day of the semester on a high note, we had a full day of musical performances. Our pupils, teachers and even school leaders performed alongside each other during the recesses.
The finale assembly concert by singer-songwriter Annette Lee, accompanied by Evan Low, also had the entire school singing along to familiar tunes.